A Retrospective on 2017 (and My 2018 Goals!)

Before I start, I know I need to address the garbage fire that was 2017 for the country. The American political system is a mess, literal Nazis took to the streets, people were killed over clashing in ideals, and the government is conspiring to ruin the environment and destroy the middle class so they can sit on their rich, white asses and get richer. It’s a mess.

Yet, for all the worldwide shortcomings, I can’t help but think I’ll remember 2017 with a certain fondness. In a world that was going to hell in a handbasket, I managed to carve out a really wonderful (personal) year.

Here are my 2017 highlights (in chronological order):

Panic! At The Disco

A photo from the Panic! At The Disco concert in February.

My parents let us have the spare tickets & chaperone my brother to the concert. And it was one of the best nights of the entire year. The show was amazing, and I may have shoved my brother into Brendon Urie’s arms for an epic hug.

House Hunting & Home Sweet Home

My kitchen is Pinterest worthy, tbh.

One of my goals for 2017 was to “start the homebuying process”. I’d been saying for years that Summer 2017 was the goal to buy a house, never really thinking it was going to happen. But in May, I went into the bank to ask some questions about the process: how it worked, what I needed to get started, etc. I walked out pre-approved. We house-hunted over the summer and were moved into our beautiful home in August. Easily one of the best things to happen this year.

August Kicked Ass

The entire month of August was crazy. We started by moving into the new house. Then we took a trip to Boston Comic Con where we met John Barrowman, Karen Gillan, and Matt Smith.

Then we spent a week on the Maine coast in our first real “vacation ever.

And we ended the month by introducing a new family member: Blu. He’s a lab/pittie mix and has been a wonderful addition to our family.

Meet Blu!

October Was Crazy

October was another one of those months where everything was insane. On October 15th, Seth and I got married!

Seth & I at our wedding.

We had a super low-key wedding in a park. I think there were like six guests in total. I bought my dress the day before, and if my Mom hadn’t brought me a (beautiful) bouquet, I wouldn’t have even had one.

It was still an absolutely beautiful day.

We then had a housewarming party/mini reception the following week. And we ended the month by taking my brother to Boston to see Fall Out Boy.

A photo from our Fall Out Boy concert in October.

Happy Holidays from The Overlocks

Seth and I's "First Christmas" ornament.

We ended the year on a high note, with a low-key Christmas season. Great gifts, lots of time spent with family, and easily the least-stressful Christmas I’ve ever had.

So what’s in store for 2018?

I’ve realized I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions. A “resolution” sounds like something you wish for. I’m much more a fan of goals – solid, actionable things I can work towards.

So, here are my personal 2018 goals:

  • Learn to relax & reflect, with extra focus on a positive, money-making mindset. (This one’s way “out there”.)
  • Redo our bedroom (painting, decor, etc.)
  • Put at least $2000 in savings.
  • Read 6 books. (Last year’s goal of 12 didn’t happen.)
  • Build a fenced in area for the dogs.

I want 2018 to be a year of growth and reflection, but also a year of relaxation & appreciation. Not a year of crazy adventures, but of buckling down and putting my energy and love into what I already have.

What are your 2018 goals?

Comments on “A Retrospective on 2017 (and My 2018 Goals!)

  1. I’m glad you had a good 2017 not including the obvious political mishaps. I’m not a fan of resolutions either. You have good attainable goals. I wish you luck!

    As for my 2018 goals, I’m aiming to knock things off my before-I’m-25 bucket list. Some of my goals are to read 50 books, graduate, and get my first job after school!

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