My Experience with Nexplanon

First things first. I am not a doctor or medical professional. This post isn’t meant to be a substitute for real medical advice from said professionals. It also isn’t a paid review. It is simply my personal experiences with Nexplanon.

I fought with myself on whether or not I should publish this. Some people may not like it. Conservative family members, perhaps it’s best to look away. But if you’re interested in, or considering getting Nexplanon, maybe I can be of some help.

What is Nexplanon?

I’m going to try to keep this short and sweet. Nexplanon is a LARClong-acting reversible contraceptive. (IUDs are also LARCs.) Commonly referred to as “the implant”, it’s a small-ish (inch-and-a-half, maybe two inches) long, flexible rod that gets inserted into your arm and prevents pregnancy for 3-4 years. It doesn’t contain estrogen, but instead uses a hormone called etonogestrel, which is a type of progestin.

It is super effective. Like 99.9% effective. More effective than basically any other birth control besides, you know, abstinence.

Important thing to note: It prevents babies, not STDs.
If you need STD protection, you should definitely also use condoms.

Why Did I Decide on Nexplanon?

I talked with my doctor about several birth control options – from the pill to IUDs, and everything in between. But ultimately, I decided on the implant for a few reasons.

I have limited options as far as birth control. Because I sometimes get visual artifacts (hello blind spots!) when I get migraines, methods with estrogen in them raise my risk for stroke and other serious medical issues. I’m not keen on an early death, so I only had a few options to choose from.

I wanted something convenient. And the implant is about as convenient as it gets. Nothing to do, nothing to remember, it just hangs out in my arm for a few years. Set it and forget it. And while IUD’s are similar, I felt like the implant might be better for me than an IUD because I love my Diva Cup. And the idea of potentially not being able to use it with an IUD was a big no no.

Nexplanon is effortless & estrogen free, and after talking with my doctor we decided it was probably the best option for me.

How was insertion?

One downside to the implant is, you know, getting it implanted in your arm.

In theory, it’s quick and easy. Your upper arm is numbed, and once you’re fully numb (10-ish minutes) they use this applicator thing to quickly slide the implant under your skin. It goes in just under the skin, so you should be able to feel it.

My experience was a little different. I have a pretty severe aversion to needles (despite having tattoos), and go into shock really easily. So everything went fine with the insertion – didn’t feel it, didn’t watch, thought I’d be fine. Until I stood up, went into shock, and almost passed out. It wasn’t fun.

Fortunately, I don’t think my insertion experience is typical. But I think it’s important to consider yourself and how you cope with stress/medical issues/shots before you get the implant. I’m not looking forward to when it has to be taken out.

What about side effects?

Like any medication, Nexplanon has side effects. The first one you’ll probably notice is pain, discomfort, and bruising at the insertion site.

This is my arm one day after insertion (left) and one week after insertion (right). As you can see, I bruised and stayed bruised for a while.A side-by-side comparison of my arm 1 day after my Nexplanon insertion (with considerable bruising) and 1 week after insertion (with still visible bruises).

I found moving the wrong way was painful for the first three or four days, and I had general discomfort in my arm for nearly two weeks. It wasn’t like I couldn’t use my arm, but it would feel like a pinch or a twinge sometimes.

Sometimes it still twinges a little.

One of the more common side effects my doctor mentioned was spotting or irregular bleeding. About a month after insertion, I started spotting. It continued on and off for about a week, then I got a full-blown period, and have been fine since. I’m on my second month with Nexplanon, and I was told irregular bleeding could go on for three or four months, so I’m not sure what to expect down the road.

There are other things I’ve experienced since insertion that could be attributed to the new hormones pumping through my system. I say could, because they could also just be brought on by stress.

About 3 days after insertion, I had one of the worst panic attacks I’ve ever had. It felt like I was going into shock again. There were a few pretty bad bouts of acne. My appetite was all over the place; one day I was starving, the next I barely ate. I also went through a pretty rough depressive episode – for a few weeks, I was the lowest I’ve been in well over a year.

Overall, though, the side effects haven’t been bad enough for me to regret getting Nexplanon.

Update: 06/29/2018

A conversation with my husband, where I state "I feel like my life force is exiting me through my vagina".

Since writing this post, the side effects have gotten worse – particularly the “spotting”. I’ve been on my period for two-and-a-half weeks. Cramps, bloating, acne, mood swings, and of course blood.

I’m not happy. I’m really hoping it will stop and this doesn’t become my new normal. Because between the depressive episodes (which have come and gone twice since insertion, the last one was fairly severe) and the bleeding/cramps, I am pretty miserable.

I’ve told myself (and my husband) I’m going to tough it out until October. That will put it at 6+ months since insertion. If I’m not ironed out and doing okay by then, this thing is coming out.

Update: 10/19/2018

Well, I hit October, and I still have the Nexplanon in.

The summer was rough. The first four-five months with Nexplanon really took a toll on me. I was very depressed. You wouldn’t have known it from the outside – I’m great at faking happy – but at home, things were rough. Nothing made me happy, most days I had no drive or will to do anything but shower and sleep, and I let work and responsibilities go by the way side because I just couldn’t handle adulting. Bills were late, appointments were missed, home and car repairs put off. I stopped leaving the house to do anything – we had no groceries, we took no summer trips. I was just home, lifeless and sad. I basically ceased to function properly from about mid-May to early August.

It got better, though. I’m actually doing really well right now. I’m not sad, I’m not lifeless. We’re caught up on bills, the house is ready for winter, and I’ve been busying myself both with work and home-improvement projects. I feel good.

The spotting has come and gone. I bled through almost the entire month of July. Spotted off and on every few days in August. Had nothing in September. And now it’s October, and I’ve had a fairly normal-length, but very very light period. I’m hoping this will be my new normal.

The only lasting side effect is… well, it’s a little TMI. But I have no libido. None. At all. No desire, no drive… none of it. It’s just vanished. Which, I guess means the Nexplanon is doing its job. There’s no way in hell I’m going to get pregnant. 😂I’m super fortunate to have been blessed with a husband who is more than understanding, and just wants me to be okay, but, you know, I can’t help but feel bad. It’s like I want to want to, but I don’t?  But, like all the side effects, maybe that will get better with time, too.

Want to learn more?

Obviously, before you make any decisions on something so major, you should consult a medical professional. But if you’re curious about Nexplanon and want to learn more (or be armed with some info when you bring it up with your doctor) here are some great resources:

Final Thoughts

As a woman who very much doesn’t want to be a mom right now, I think getting Nexplanon was a good decision for me. The pros (literally not having to do anything) outweigh the side effects I’ve had. And while I’m not a doctor and can’t say what’s going to be right for you, I can say it would definitely be something to talk to your doctor about if you’re looking for an easy, long-term birth control method.

Kyrie T-O

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